Breakfast, as a kid for Benjamin was fairly uninspiring. Cereal or toast. Who else lived off this? And as he got older this rarely changed. Coffee was introduced and study, work, friends and before he knew it - his breakfast was deprived of the good life it should have. Totally underrated. In 2014, Benjamin as an individual, young and good-lookin’ rooster, was effortlessly flying high from one promotion to another. Living in Germany, Benjamin visited Australia a lot due to his mum being Australian and evidently was just as obsessed with smashed avo as what we all are. Although... he quickly found that realistically no one can really afford this every day. Being the opportunist Benjamin is, he was always on the hunt to call something his own. Catching up with a friend for a coffee, his “a-huh” moment literally fell into his lap. This particular (and somewhat trendy) Melbourne cafe was using different superfoods in their smoothies. Benjamin realised that there was more to this than met the eye. It was SO easy that all you really needed was fruit and water and you would also get a superfood hit. Where to from here? Creating the ultimate breakfast solution of course. Breakfast was more of a bore than an enjoyment for Benjamin. And when he realised he could create something super fun, healthy and quick - the market gap was found and it was time for him to rise.

Fast forward to 2016, the half Australian and half German, young go-getter became the face of Hummingbird at a humble 24 years old. He met with some great partners and motivated by his love for food and success, Blendies became his perfect morning solution to share with both his beloved countries. Benjamin was extremely lucky to connect with Alanna, Hummingbird’s nutritionist and Lou, Hummingbird’s naturopath. Benjamin, Alanna and a team of experts spent endless hours perfecting five functionalities that everyday Australian’s could use to save them time in the morning. They sourced some of the superfood ingredient goodness from farms that are family owned and have been operating for over 30 years, are hand picked and undertake specific quality processes to ensure we are all getting the best of the best.

Benjamin didn’t stop there. Listening to the customer feedback over the past 12 months it was a no brainer to introduce new breakfast solutions to give even more time back, create even more variety and support the differing seasons. Healthy Breakfast Made Easy. All Year Round. The name Hummingbird was inspired by exactly what it is, a morning bird. Resonating with positivity, happiness, activeness, passion, energy and quirky love of life. Also, when something tastes good, what do you do? “mmmmmm”. Hum. Benjamin aims to save time in the morning without compromise. To provide tasty and healthy breakfast made easy. Every Day. A brand, a name and passion he is connecting with it’s true meaning.